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Pursley’s Persevere

Pursley’s Persevere

With our fingertips and technology, we reach across the planet, able to talk to and see people in every remote corner of the earth. We jump in our vehicles, and hit the road — hungry? We swing into a drive-through for a hot meal. Tired? We sleep safely in a hotel with a comfy bed and hot shower…

Shultz, Neaton Announce Bid for President, Vice President

Shultz, Neaton Announce Bid for President, Vice President

It’s been a privilege to serve as vice-president of National Farmers Organization. Wendy and I are second generation NFO members. Her parents joined in 1970. We moved to the ranch in 1990. When we bought our first 20 cows, we became members and I began promoting NFO. Two years later, I became…

Members Vote In Favor of Reorganizing National Farmers Board of Directors

Members Vote In Favor of Reorganizing National Farmers Board of Directors

The first-ever member vote-by-mail measure results have been tabulated by RSM, National Farmers’ provider of auditing services. National Board Member Dennis Bradley, Membership Director Judy Krier and Human Resources Director Shelly Osier observed the vote counting procedure. The voting results…

Convene ’24

Convene ’24

The National Farmers annual winter meeting is coming to Coralville, Iowa on March 12-13. The Hyatt Regency Hotel will host the event, and room rates are just $119 for one King or two Queen beds if members make their reservation by February. 19. Parking is included. “National Farmers held…

President’s Message

President’s Message

I’m writing this President’s Message on the last day of September, which happens to also be the last day of our fiscal year. I will touch on that later in my message. The recent threat of a government shutdown was kicked down the road 45 days, but concern continues in the country. I am proud that…

Future National Farmers FARM Manager Meets with Midwest Producers and Field Reps

Future National Farmers FARM Manager Meets with Midwest Producers and Field Reps

Helping dairy farmers meet and exceed state and federal regulations and passing inspections with flying colors, our representatives help producers troubleshoot potential issues with equipment, water quality and storage. Dairy staff members also help them navigate animal health and environmental regulations…

Dairy Marketing Signals

Dairy Marketing Signals

As you know, our marketing group works hard every day to find the best markets for your milk. We never forget that those markets determine how well you do financially. There is another part of making sure you are treated fairly that only happens every few years—Federal Milk Marketing Order…

Cattle Marketing Signals

Cattle Marketing Signals

I have many conversations with producers over the course of a week about risk management and what levels they should be pricing their production. We always talk about supply, for which the USDA provides data. Then we speculate about demand, and it’s just that, speculation about how high prices can go before…

Grain Marketing Signals

Grain Marketing Signals

The Risk Management Agency began tracking harvest prices on Oct 1, using the December Futures for corn and November Futures for soybeans. Right now, especially corn prices are down quite a bit from the $5.91 Spring base prices, so this could be one of those years that you may collect on a claim without having…

A Passion for Dairy

A Passion for Dairy

Anyone who farms knows success takes dedication with some good luck sprinkled in. That might be especially true when it comes to dairy farming. As a young dairy farmer in Hixton, Wisconsin, Matt…

Food Webs Provide Additional Marketing Opportunities

Food Webs Provide Additional Marketing Opportunities

Mike Schulist, National Farmers Organization organic grain field representative, believes food webs will provide additional marketing opportunities for National Farmers members. That’s why he…

Dairy Marketing Signals

Dairy Marketing Signals

From the founding of our nation up to the 1950s, agriculture received a lot of political attention. A majority of the people were farmers and ample food was a top priority. Then, as agriculture’s…

Cattle Marketing Signals

Cattle Marketing Signals

I would like to open by thanking our livestock staff for outstanding work through three quarters of the year. The last three years the COVID-19 issue has taken a toll on many businesses. Complications…

Grain Marketing Signals

Grain Marketing Signals

The issues affecting marketing of both conventional and organic grain continue to revolve around weather and war. As I have written previously, these two factors have been the leading cause of…

Faith and Family

Faith and Family

The rolling hills of southwestern Indiana greets visitors to this faith-based family farming operation in Ferdinand. What was once a dairy farm has transitioned into a beef operation and custom harvesting business with Paul Steckler at the helm.

Federal Milk Marketing Order Reform

Federal Milk Marketing Order Reform

On May 31, National Farmers Organization submitted a letter of support to the Administrator of USDA AMS, addressing overhaul of the Federal Milk Marketing Orders.
National Farmers supports the National Milk Producers Federation’s (NMPF) comprehensive…

Dairy Action Plan

Dairy Action Plan

At National Farmers Convene ‘23 in Bettendorf March 8, the dairy division introduced their plan to level the playing field for America’s family dairy farms. The key word in the new title is action and that’s exactly what dairy staff have been focusing on. The two-part Dairy Action Plan focuses…

Farm Kids for College Scholarship

Farm Kids for College Scholarship

In 1935, the U.S. had 6.8 million farms. However, that number fell sharply until the early 70s. According to the USDA, since then the number has continued a slower, but steady, decline. The most recent survey from 2022 indicates there are 2 million farms, down from 2.2 million in 2007.

President’s Message

President’s Message

On June 1, National Farmers Organization officially began our business relationship with Middlebury Cooperative, enacting the agreement that was inked earlier this spring.
This joint venture involves approximately 62 dairy farms in southern New York and…

Dairy Marketing Signals

Dairy Marketing Signals

You’ve heard me say this many times before—farms like yours are best for rural economies, best for the environment, and best for food security. In this column, I want to talk more about food security. Did you see the feature story on Dan Casler and his family in the last issue of our Magazine?

Cattle Marketing Signals

Cattle Marketing Signals

In early June, a major market jump saw cash cattle trade close to $190.00, but futures didn’t really keep pace. June ‘23 Live Cattle hit $180.25, an all time high.
On-feed numbers will likely continue to tighten and carcass weights are down, restricting…

Grain Marketing Signals

Grain Marketing Signals

The world of grain production and marketing continues to experience extreme volatility. Let’s briefly examine some of the most prevalent challenges.

Press Releases

View the latest Press Releases from the National Farmers Press Room


528 Billy Sunday Road
Suite 100
Ames, IA 50010


528 Billy Sunday Road
Suite 100
Ames, IA 50010



