Media Coverage Excellent for National Farmers

By Brad Rach
The changes we have seen since we gathered in Minneapolis for our national convention have been staggering. However, one thing has not changed, our commitment to do what they say can’t be done. Momentum is building for everything we are doing, to make a better life for family dairy farmers.

First and foremost, we continue to find opportunities to say family dairy farming has special advantages for everyone, not just farmers. Second, we continue to push for a single Federal Milk Marketing Order that covers all dairy farmers all of the time. Third, we are working to combine the first two messages into what we really need: Our Dairy Farm Structure Management Program.

I can’t tell you how pleased I am with the success we are seeing. President Paul Olson has an article in Hoard’s Dairyman stressing the importance of tailoring public programs to help family dairy farms. My article on the need for a national FMMO got good coverage in the farm press. Dr. Levins wrote in Hoard’s about what he called big box dairies and the way they deny market access to family farms.

Dave Kaseno, director of dairy operations, wrote about family farming in his local newspaper.I want to give special recognition for all the good work Dick Bylsma, national milk sales director, is doing for us. His article in the Cheese Market News on inequities caused by our fragmented FMMO system, his writing on why farmers are not to blame for shortages at grocery dairy cases and the respect he has earned in the media should inspire us all.

Last, but hardly least, thank you to you, and our present and former member-farmers who are taking up the challenge of building a better economy for family dairy farms. I’ve seen great letters to the editor by Robert Froehlich of Wisconsin and Martin Harris of Tennessee. No doubt, there are others I haven’t yet seen.

Now it’s your turn. Be looking for opportunities to help people understand why farms just like yours are best for everyone, farmers and consumers alike.  


528 Billy Sunday Road
Suite 100
Ames, IA 50010


528 Billy Sunday Road
Suite 100
Ames, IA 50010





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